
Not Crazy About Craze Lines: How Whitening Can Help to Hide the Craze Lines in Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

Have you been noticing that your teeth look as though they are covered in cracks or small scratches, especially after drinking wine or coffee? Don't fret. You probably have craze lines. Fortunately, unlike actual cracks in your enamel, which would cause pain and sensitivity, craze lines are a naturally occurring phenomenon and not a sign that your teeth are falling apart. Craze lines usually appear as vertical lines on teeth and occur over time due to wear and tear.

1 August 2017

Brush Before Breakfast: Why You Should Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast

Dentist Blog

Before you go off to work or school in the morning, it's only natural that you'd prefer your teeth and mouth to look and smell good. After all, a dose of morning breath is not exactly the best way to greet colleagues or classmates. But one area of oral hygiene that is often overlooked is whether or not it is better to brush before or after breakfast. For some people, brushing their teeth is one of the first things they do because they cannot stand the yucky, furry feeling of morning mouth, while others eat breakfast before brushing.

1 August 2017

A Guide to Bleaching Sensitive Teeth

Dentist Blog

Tooth whitening is one of the most common procedures that people ask for throughout the country, and there's nothing wrong with using a dentist-recommended product to bring your teeth back to perfect pearly white. That said, there are one or two issues that can arise as a result of whitening, and one of the most troubling can be excessive sensitivity. Sensitive teeth are often caused by a lack of surface enamel, though there are other issues that can be to blame.

7 March 2017

3 Lunchbox Drinks that Could be Rotting Your Children's Teeth and 3 Healthier Alternatives

Dentist Blog

One of the responsibilities of every good parent is to ensure that their children don't go hungry whilst at school. Most parents provide their children with lunchboxes brimming with a variety of treats and snacks, from juice to sweetened milk, and chocolate bars to packets of crisps. However, although they mean well, some parents may actually be adding the kind of sugar-filled drink that cause tooth decay. According to the National Child Oral Health Survey conducted from 2012 to 2014, 1 in 4 Australian kids under the age of 10 suffers from untreated tooth decay.

21 December 2016

Why You Need to Take Good Care of Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

Taking good care of your teeth can have long-term benefits, especially in your old age. Whereas the daily brushing routine is essential, scheduled visits to a dentist is important in guaranteeing a healthy mouth. You need a dentist who understands your family well, so a family dentist is highly recommended. A dentist who understands your family's teeth characteristics is able to predict possible outcomes such as tooth decay based on hereditary factors.

21 December 2016

4 Things to do to Keep Your Teeth Clean During a Multi-Day Hike

Dentist Blog

When you go on multi-day hiking trips, you're likely to be camping out in the wild, far away from your good old bathroom. This can make it tough to stay on top of your oral health, so you need to take the steps listed below to ensure that your mouth stays healthy when you're out enjoying the best that nature can offer. 1. Bring a Full-Size Toothbrush If you're going to be hiking for a few days at a time, weight is always going to be an issue.

30 November 2016

Bonding Versus Crowns: The Pros and Cons of Each for a Chipped or Cracked Tooth

Dentist Blog

If one of your teeth is cracked or chipped, your dentist might offer you a choice between having composite bonding or a crown. Each method can restore your smile, but each does come with its own pros and pitfalls. If you're not sure which is the right option, try reading through this quick overview of the advantages and disadvantages that come with each one. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Bonding

30 November 2016

Three ways to cope with gum disease

Dentist Blog

If your dentist has informed you that you have periodontal (gum) disease, don't despair. In addition to following your dentist's recommended treatment plan, there are things that you can do on a day-to-day basis to slow down or potentially even halt the progress of this condition. Recognise and eliminate unhealthy habits There are several bad habits that can exacerbate periodontal disease. Smoking is a particularly dangerous practice, which can have a serious impact on your oral health; according to Delta Dental, those who smoke cigarettes regularly are four times more likely to develop gum disease than non-smokers.

16 November 2016

Signs That You Could Be Developing Gum Disease

Dentist Blog

Gum disease is one of the more common oral health problems that you could develop. However, some people do not know how to spot the signs of this disease. As such, they end up leaving it unchecked until it eventually develops into periodontitis, which is a much more severe oral health condition. If you are suffering from any issues with your oral health, it would be in your best interest to determine whether it is gum disease so it can be addressed in the early stages.

24 October 2016

Child Has A Toothache? 3 Actionable Guidelines To Plan A Crucial Dental Assessment Without Making Kids Anxious

Dentist Blog

When your kids have toothaches, your heart probably breaks to see them in pain. No parent ever wants to see kids suffer, so you'll want to do everything possible to alleviate the pain. You'll likely give them pain-numbing medication or you may give them salt water to reduce soreness. This may temporarily solve the problem, but you'll naturally want to get to the root of the issue. Follow these actionable guidelines to plan a dental assessment without making your kids anxious.

30 September 2016