Five Teeth Brushing Tips for Better Oral Hygiene

Dentist Blog

Brushing your teeth is not the only way to keep your teeth healthy, but it's of utmost importance for good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth is a habitual action, and you could so easily be brushing incorrectly. Nevertheless, brushing your teeth regularly and properly will alleviate many dental disorders such as gingivitis and tooth decay. Here are some important tips you can use to improve your teeth brushing technique.

Use A Soft-Bristled Brush

Contrary to public opinion, a firm-bristled toothbrush not ideal and is as harmful as brushing your teeth very hard. Instead, opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush and be gentle while brushing. Soft bristles are flexible enough to get around the middle of your teeth and remove any food substances.

Brush for at Least 2 Minutes

The time you take to brush your teeth matters when it comes to oral hygiene and is very easy to overlook. Dentists recommend that you stick to the 2/2 rule of brushing teeth for two minutes, twice a day. As a rule of thumb, spend 30 seconds for every quadrant of your teeth and a few more on your tongue.

Brush in Small, Circular Motions

It's important to brush your teeth properly; a poor job is as good as not brushing at all. Moving your toothbrush back and forth has been found to be counterproductive. Instead, focus on moving it in a circular motion gently around tooth surfaces and especially on the gum line. A clockwise or anticlockwise motion should help massively in removing food particles that get stuck under the gums and between teeth.

Use Toothpaste Containing Fluoride 

When shopping for a toothpaste, your priority should be on fluoride and not on toothpaste flavors or 'whitening power.' Fluoride has been and still is a mainstay in oral health because it prevents the buildup of bacteria, reducing the risk of tooth decay. It also forms a protective barrier around your teeth.

Don't Forget Your Tongue

Don't forget to brush your tongue. The tongue builds up more bacteria than your teeth and is the chief cause for bad mouth odor or halitosis. Clean your tongue as part of your daily oral routine after brushing your teeth.

Achieving good oral hygiene involves a lifetime of care, and the tips above demonstrate that it's the tools and small habits that matter most. In addition to brushing your teeth, other actions you can take to improve your oral health include flossing daily and using mouthwash. Contact your dentist for more advice.


27 December 2019

Dental Checkups: Preparing for Your Checkup

Hi! My name is Sarah, and as a busy professional, I understand the importance of making the most of my time. That includes everything from having productive working lunches to making the most of my dental checkups. I have created this blog to help you maximise your dental checkups. In these posts, you can learn how to prepare for your checkup, which questions to ask during your checkup and more. I am also going to have posts explaining why checkups are critical to your dental health as well as the health of your entire body. Happy reading, and thanks for visiting my blog!